Spring, Growth, and Joy

Happy Spring, friend!

Spring feels somehow so much springier than usual this year. A few of my patients have mentioned this, too. Wondering: why has this winter seemed SO long? Even accounting for lock down, it feels inordinately long.

We didn’t really have the psychic and emotional experience of spring last year. The usual spring experiences of hope, renewal, and the world coming alive again were all so clouded over by fear, uncertainty, and tragedy. What an inordinately long winter it has been, indeed.

I love that spring reminds us that no matter how never-ending a winter may seem, sooner or later, sunshine, warmth, and new beginnings return.

As we bask in the new sunlight and warmth and little crocus and daffodils poking out of the soil, I am turning my thoughts to how we can infuse our lives and our work with more joy.

What if we made changes in our professional and personal lives with the goal of creating more joy?

When you make changes to your organization’s diversity and inclusion practices from a place of wanting to create more space, more joy, more connection, the entire process flows differently.

It transforms growth and improvement from something we “should” do to “be better,” but as something we get to do and choose to do because it creates more connection, fulfillment, and joy.

What role could joy play in your work? How could cultivating a joy orientation transform your to-do list? I’d love to hear from you—reply to this email to let me know your thoughts!​



On the ropes? Don’t give up—take a step back!


What are you doing tomorrow?